National defense training begins even at home. The course, one of the three offered in Augusta County schools, was a national defense project in metal work, including acetylene welding, pipe fitting, and hot and cold metal work.
The class which met for eight weeks, fifteen hours per week, was taught by Millard Springer of the Wayne Manufacturing Corporation of Waynesboro, under the supervision of John S. Hill, Agricultural Instructor, in whose shop the class was held.
During the class periods showers for the school were installed and playground equipment was assembled and set up.
Hersie Wilson
Hall Hanger
Marvin Mahler
Allen Koontz
Robert Hartman
Leroy Almarode
Bill Bradley
Frank Kesterson
Bill Harper
John Hill
Charles Hall
Maynard Hockman
Haskell Coyner
Arthur Cash
Lewis Harper
Harry Campbell
Don Forbes
Billy Brown
Milford Hartman

Early Pictures of Stuart Draft
Click on Picture to see enlarged view
The following have provided the pictures below - Gene Kane, Pat & Jay Weaver
Randall Kiser, Tinker Kiser, Jack Blacka Steve Tillman Larry Cohron and Randal Almarode
This page was last updated: August 22, 2023
1941 Defense Training Class
Held at Stuarts Draft High School
Agriculture Building
Stuarts Draft, Virginia
The "HUB" of Augusta County
Located in the Beautiful
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia